(Chapter reprinted from the Fountain of Youth book - Dr. John C Thie)
It is a known fact that there is a difference of opinion among authorities as to what the daily requirements of iodine should be, and there is also a difference of opinion as to when a dosage of iodine becomes a "drug" and when it remains a food supplement. Because of this variance of opinion some people question the advisability of taking as much iodine daily as is needed. The amount of iodine needed daily is not always the same with each person. One day a person may need many, many times what he needed on another day. The amount needed can be established only by each person, each day. (This reference to iodine, as well as all other references to iodine in this book, is made only to non-toxic iodine and not to the usually available commercial iodides.)
The symptoms of iodine deficiency, unfortunately, are not usually recognized until the appearance of simple goiter. There should be, therefore, a better understanding of iodine need and why it exists to avoid the menace of its lack.
A widespread low iodine supply exists in many areas of this world. The seriousness of this inadequate natural supply has not been noted until recently. The health authorities seemed to think that iodized salt would supply the need. It has, in some cases, been instrumental in delaying the appearance or development of acute symptoms of iodine deficiency. The use of iodized salt has not only its limitations but also gives the false assurance that adequate iodine is being supplied. Even if this were a sufficient source, a great variance in individual need or appetite for salt would prevent a constant source for everyone. Seasonal variations likewise can cause an excess in some persons who crave more salt in hot weather and, therefore, receive more IODIDES than the body can use advantageously. It cannot be repeated too often that IODIDES are not well tolerated by everyone. By using too much IODIDES thee is the likelihood of upsetting the electrical balance by administering too much sodium and/or potassium.
The upsetting of the electrical balance is a beginning of cellular malnutrition. Where cellular malnutrition exists food is not completely broken down and cannot be properly synthesized in the liver. Tissue building and rebuilding, therefore, is restricted, energy is lowered, oxidation is reduced, toxic matter is increased, and deamination of amino acids is impaired with the resultant accumulation of free nitrogen within the body.
Ordinarily free nitrogen should combine with Sulphur, but in malnutrition foods containing Sulphur cannot be tolerated by patients and, therefore, there is generally a Sulphur deficiency. In all of these cases there is a n inability to utilize oxygen; the combination which should normally result in the formation of nitrogen with oxygen does not occur. In this syndrome it will be observed that a preponderance of sufferers have little or not hydrochloric acid with the result that there is no chloridoid. The anion is likewise involved with oxygenation. When the chloridoid is not present to activate the oxygen the combination of nitrogen and oxygen is further prevented.
The vicious cycle must be broken at some point before starving people can be restored to normality; it also must be considered when concurrence is made with most authorities upon the use of iodine supplementation in infancy, adolescence, pregnancy, lactation, in the aged, in acute infectious diseased, fevers, convalescence, in general glandular enlargement, chronic colds, eczema, asthma, hay fever and other allergic manifestations, hypertrophic arthritis, rheumatic fever, and other painful conditions.
The commercial production of foodstuffs where soil and air is of low iodine content is almost universal. This is often caused by the use of sprays containing metals such as arsenic, etc. These sprays help to deprive the food of iodine. But even without sprays it is a fact that most productive regions are naturally low in iodine.
Foods, on the whole, however, cannot be classed as good, fair, or poor sources of iodine inasmuch as processes, such as cooking, may destroy what little available iodine there may have been in the foods.
Water supplies can no longer be relied upon as a dependable source of iodine. The process o purification, especially with chlorine, removes the available iodine. It is necessary, therefore, if we are to maintain normal iodine levels, that a more satisfactory method of administering iodine be provided.
Each person with nutritional deficiency is invariably low in iodine. It should be one of the first considerations in selecting a supplemental procedure for each case. Without restoration of normal iodine levels no one can be expected to resume good health regardless of what else is done for him. In other words, if a person lacks iodine he will die in spite of all the treatment, therefore, the title—LACK IODINE AND DIE!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
T-Shirt caption from author Dr. Thie. A chapter in his books Fountain of Youth Vol. 1 and Vol 2.